Chairman POF Board
Technical education is need of the hour. No progress is enduring without self-sustenance in technological development. Pakistan is a developing country with 2/3rd youth population aged between 18 to 30 years which is an asset, if utilized properly and effectively by inculcating modern era technical skills, abilities & trends in them. POFIT is one of the leading Technical Institutions of Pakistan which provides trainees/students the platform to polish/nurture their skills in 23 specialized technical trades along with evening DAE Program in five technologies under the patronage of an able leader, and professional academia. POFIT endeavors to impart technical skills, leadership, discipline, patriotism and Islamic/ethical code of conduct in the students. You are the luckiest to have the opportunity to be part of an excellent Technical Institute, playing commendable role for POF and in the development of Industry in Pakistan. Wish you a bright future and Good Luck.

Hassan Rashid
Principal Pofit
Hassan Rashid
Principal POFIT
World is changing significantly due to rapid technological advancement. New Technologies are emerging and replacing older ones. This paradigm shift from a knowledge based economy to a skilled based economy has increased the relevance of technical education & training. POF Institute of Technology (POFIT), a Technical Training Institute, working under the umbrella of Pakistan Ordnance Factories is a beacon & spreading skillful hands, equipped with modern technology. POFIT is providing technical hands to POF as well as private sector and is contributing towards industrial development and economic growth. In addition, POFIT also imparts customized technical trainings to the local & foreign students, so as to meet their specific needs and requirements.
POF was established in December, 1951. It started growing rapidly resulting in a need to have a training centre to meet its ever growing requirements of skilled work force. In 1954-55, a technical training centre; well equipped for training facilities in such areas as Fitting, Machining, Metrology and Inspection was established. In 1967, the training centre; called TTC (Technical Training Centre) was affiliated with the Punjab Board of Technical Education for three (03) years Diploma course in Mechanical and Electrical technologies.
With the expansion of POF and introduction of Advanced Technologies, the need for further expansion of this Training Centre became necessary. In 1983, the scope of training was extended to include training programs in areas such as CNC Machining, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Control Power Systems, Advanced Electronics and Electrical Technology. Present site was selected, new building / infrastructure was constructed and TTC was shifted to the new location and it was re-designated as Technical Training Institute (TTI). The scope of training was enhanced to general public in 1999 on self-finance basis and the Institute was re-designated as POF Institute of Technology (POFIT).
This Institute has been playing a vital role of Human Resource Development. Its regular training programs are designed to meet POF training requirements for following levels of employment.
- 18 months Apprenticeship Training program.
- Short term (04 to 12 weeks) Training modules in 23 different areas of specialization.
- Three (03) Years Diploma of Associate Engineering conducted under affiliation with Punjab Board of Technical Education, Lahore.
- One (01) year Post Diploma course in Biomedical technology conducted under affiliation with Punjab Board of Technical Education Lahore.
- Basic Orientation Training for newly inducted employees in workers, staff, and officers cadre.
- Capacity building courses for officers
- 5 months training program for newly inducted officers.
- Registered with City & Guilds-UK, PSDF, TEVTA Punjab, TEVTA KPK, NTB, PIM, OMPC-Sultanate of Oman.
- 06 months extensive training in different technical trades in collaboration with NAVTTC.
The faculty consists of highly qualified, trained and experienced Engineers / Scientists possessing a unique blend of technical education and Industrial experience.
Institute is spread over an area of 21 acres. It has an Admin Block, Lecture Blocks, Workshops, Laboratories, Library, Masjid, Cafeteria, Auditorium, Examination Hall and vast play grounds.
- To meet the POF skilled workforce requirements through Apprenticeship Programme.
- To provide quality technical and managerial education to POF’s Workers, Staff and Officers in order to groom them to shoulder their responsibilities in an efficient manner.
- To extend training facilities to Public and Private Sectors.
POFIT was established as a nursery / Alma Mater for POF Employees (Artisans and Engineers). The institute is envisioned to grow as a Technical University following a well thought out road map from Artisans training to DAE level. POFIT is emerging as ultimate name and trade mark in the field of skill development / quality technical education domestically and abroad.
To Provide conducive environment for learning and developing skills in different technologies with employment focus of students, increasing productive potential of Pakistan, raising economic potential of people, providing space for sharing economic benefits to common man through making best use of men, material and machinery as under:
- To develop technical knowhow compatible with market demand.
- To develop the healthy attitude among students towards work and life.
- To enhance individual employability
- To provide alternative to those acquiring higher education without purpose.
- To develop attitude, knowledge and skills for enter partnership and self employability.
- Anticipate and prepare for the changing environment and the future needs in the pursuits of technological advancements.
- Substantial growth of technical education and training with quality to match the national average and changing demand of the economy.
- Developing education, to engage the employable individuals for prosperity and the quality of life in the country.
- To achieve economic vibrancy of institution through financially self-sustaining manner.
- To transform Apprentices into Artisans to ensure provision of skilled workforce to POF.
- To run in-house short courses in different technical fields for Officers, supervisory staff and Workers to provide an opportunity to continually upgrade their technical know-how and be able to discharge their duties in an efficient and effective manner.
- To provide Professional Training to newly inducted employees in order to familiarize them with POF and relevant S.O.Ps in vogue.
- To extend our training programs to public and Pvt sector in order to commercialize our Training Potential.
- To arrange Internship of University students in POF.
- To hold promotional examination for In-service employees